Understanding Customizing Types


The Customizing Types defines which pages are affected by the changes made. There are three customization types. These are global, template and single customizations. When you open the editor, select the customizing type before you start editing. The default value is single customization, and this appears in the right panel. If you see the current page name there, it means that the single customization type is active.

Global Customization

Global customization applies the styles to the entire website.

Example: Use the global customization if you want to customize the page’s background color on the entire website.

Template Customization

Template customization applies the styles to all pages of the current post type.

Example: Use the template customization if you want to customize the page’s background color just on product pages.

Single Customization

Single customization applies the styles to just to the current page.

Example: Use the single customization if you want to customize the page’s background color just on the current page.

More Information

When you open the editor the first time or click on the “customize another page” link, you will see a popup like in the following screenshot. On this screen, you can change the target page and the customizing type.

To quickly change the customizing type, click on the current customization type in the right panel. You can change the customizing type, reset the type or manage the styles in this type. Take a look at the screenshot below.

Note: Even you are using the global or template customizing type; some changes may not work on all pages. Different classes may be used for the target element.


If you edit the same element in several customizing types, the plugin applies single customization changes as first priority. The priorities are applied in the order:

  1. Single Customization
  2. Template Customization
  3. Global Customization
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